At Blue Crane Group we take a holistic approach to your business needs and expectations. Our highly experienced employees take an uncompromising and result- oriented attitude when it comes to the services we provide. No matter what your requirements are, we strive for tangible results, measurable in Performance Success Rates (PSR). Concluding a contract with Blue Crane Group stretches far beyond any transactional nature; our commitment only comes to a halt when your business is healthy and in a position to acquire long-term value, is a viable competitor in an qualitative financial market and when your business is capable of fostering your desired values and goals.

Risk and Compliance

Our business consulting is conducted by in-house experts and provides a wide array of services, with an emphasis on long-lasting relationships with our clients. We provide a wide gamut of services, including financial planning, legal and financial auditing, asset management and risk mitigation.
We analyze our clients' businesses and organizational structure in depth, conducting due-diligence and compiling reports that are reviewed by our specialists in ad-hoc committees, established in, and dedicated to, the service of the client’s needs and the product in question. Our teams are fully equipped to map financial risk models and compliance modelling. We allocate all our experience and time towards maturing your organization's internal compliance mechanisms.

Sustainable Investment and 'Beyond2020'

When required, whether by request, or if deemed beneficial by our experts, professional, highly-trained bankers and investors are available to manage assets and acquire profits on the client’s behalf. Entire development, financial, business and investment policies are drafted and the entire process is implemented, reviewed and optimized before the contract can be deemed viable for conclusion.
Particularly noteworthy is our sustainable investing, which aims to integrate companies, manage social change and operate your business as a vital partner in society. We believe that your business leadership should reflect your personal values and we strive to materialize your world views. Outcomes are tangible and measurable, leaving your business ready to fulfill its true purpose.
Today, our services are continuously acquiring, identifying and processing de- globalization trends in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Under the auspices of our 'Beyond 2020' project, we track market trends and follow government stimuli, commodity and product shortages, priced-in expectations on public investment platforms and inflation.
Not only do we conduct micro-level analysis of individual companies, but we map out regional de-globalization trends as well as the organization of regional supply chains. The Covid-19 global pandemic has been classified as an absolute disruptive natural disaster. Unfortunately, if global environmental change is not dealt with, other natural disasters will follow suit further impacting on global trading and manufacturing activity and having a disastrous effect on humanity at large. For precisely this reason, we enlist companies and markets we have identified as being beneficial for global environmental health, structuring long-term and high-value partnerships with innovative firms and regional liaison offices of international organizations to counter and mitigate potentially negative effects of global environmental change. Our offices also advise on commercial trends, such as loan interests scales as set by Central Banks.

Health Industry and Beyond2020

Blue Crane Group develops projects and manages businesses in the healthcare sector, including biopharma, distribution companies, technology and medical devices, and e- health, to name but a few.
We constantly aim to identify and optimize new revenues and innovative markets. Apart from business analysis and management, we support and encourage R&D projects leading ultimately to product commercialization.
Blue Crane Group cooperates with, governments, local Chambers of Commerce, NGO's and international organizations to share big data concerning public health, aiming for transparent communications and detailed statistics.

Covid-19 crisis impact unit
Blue Crane Group recognizes the enormous financial impact of the Covid-19 crisis and has set up a specialized unit dedicated to assist clients around the clock with professional assistance. This unit specially focuses on the inflation, priced-in risks in consumer and investor behavior, government stimuli in particular in the real estate bubbles of high-risk zones, such as Munich, Frankfurt and Paris. Our investments in biopharma companies aims to stimulate R&D, development and distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in order to ensure a safer and healthier world for all.


Our philanthropic endeavors are committed to enabling medical care to all and to covering shortfalls in healthcare provision by local authorities and governments around the globe.
You can contribute to our efforts by monetary donations, in your local currency or by cryptocurrency, contact us for more information.

Education and ENABLE

Financial and business literacy has become increasingly complicated in recent years due to disruptive technologies combined with a heightened interconnectivity, online markets and digitized monetary values. Under the umbrella of our educational project 'ENABLE', Blue Crane Group offers training programs on a variety of topics, including day-to-day management practice, crisis communication, investments, cryptocurrency, financial management and project management. Many of these training programs are particularly tailored to the needs and requirements of our clients in emerging markets. In addition to our workshops, we incorporate permanent educational tools in our business plans that aim to advance market education based on tried and tested business practices and values, but tailored to today's ever-changing dynamic business environment. We make these educational tools available for entrepreneurs, public officials and individuals.
Our development and governance teams regularly publish newsroom briefings discussing emerging trends as part of our efforts to establish a permanent educational outreach towards our clients.
Blue Crane Group is deeply embedded within business networks, agencies advocating for social change, as well as the public sector to ensure up-to-date information gathering, keeping our finger on the pulse of global commercial trends.
Apart from a mere educational approach, our in-house coaching team is entrusted with supervision of all consulting and management operations, assisting both clients and experts with every phase of new business strategies and their execution. .