We're here for you!

Our staff is comprised of highly dedicated, excellent academic individuals from over 30 different nationalities. We strongly advocate for gender parity and strongly oppose discrimination based on disability, gender, age or religious background. The vast majority of our personnel are postgraduates from high-standing business schools, graduated with distinction from economic, mathematical, entrepreneurial, leadership, global governance or legal studies. As Blue Crane Group advocates for equal and dynamic growing opportunities, all employees receive regular training sessions. Our training programs give our employees the tools required to operate in today's challenging and ever-changing business environment, to identify and understand complex business issues and to anticipate, plan, and implement appropriate strategic and holistic business solutions. Employees have the opportunity to request funding for additional professional training and schooling opportunities, instructed by our in-house experts, or externally. We view the learning process as an ongoing, continuing process lasting the duration of our employees' time with us. When it comes to training, we take a holistic approach to business consulting and strategic management; our coaching teams include a variety of individuals from different backgrounds, presenting diverse perspectives, derived from personal expertise and experience, as well as from academic study and achievements.

Blue Crane Group Int. HR department published our most recent 'Staff Contentment Survey' in December 2020. The results show that our personnel demonstrated high satisfaction rates in the criteria of 'Quality of Work' and 'Work-Life Balance'. Over 95% of our employees have expressed high levels of satisfaction from the life-long learning opportunities and the possibility to grow and prosper within the company. We reward our employees' engagement and achievements through our 'excellence programs' and at an annual honorary gathering during which we celebrate accomplishment and present awards. Our corporate leadership consists of a group of highly professional and experienced individuals, who value honesty, discretion and integrity and who expect nothing less from our employees and all our operational activities. Blue Crane Group’s corporate governance team not only relies implicitly on our workforce while supervising all the groups' many activities, but also maintains and nurtures an extensive international network of professional contacts and associates with whom we work on an ad-hoc basis, both in the private and public sectors. Our management and employees regularly engage in social and public events on an equal peer basis; this level playing field policy enables all to maintain a fruitful dialogue both internally, as well as with vital partners in the industry. Would you like to learn more about joining our team? Contact our HR Department at hr@bluecrane-group.com right now for more information.