
Blue Crane Group Int. is a privately held South African company, registered with the South African Revenue Services (SARS]. Blue Crane Group Int. upholds official relations with the Chambers of Commerce of South Africa. All local branches respect the business and labor laws of South Africa, while simultaneously upholding local laws and customs. The content of this website includes non-exhaustive general info, designed for mere informative purposes. All content on this website is subject to unilateral change without prior notice to visitors. For any further requests, or specific purposes please contact us.
We are not liable for the accuracy, completeness or suitability or timeliness of the content of this webpage. Our webpage is continuously updated and scrutinized by our in-house web design and content writing experts. Any erroneous information will be rectified as soon as possible and to the extent permissible by law. Civil damages or criminal offences might be invoked when this website is used for malicious purposes, including breaches of intellectual property and copyright laws. We are absolved from our responsibility of users with or without malicious intents.
